Saturday, May 3, 2008


Today I finally caught the vision for how to fit all my sun-loving plants into my set up. I wasn't sure for a while. I had to get some other peices settled first, but now it's falling into place. It helps to know I'm going to have a back-up in another bed just in case I can't fit everything in. Patrick and I are going to experiment with a potato cage design we found on the internet that will allow us to grow 100 lbs of potatos in 4 vertical square feet (one plant).
At this phase, I have no idea how much I'm going to be able to grow, and how the plants will produce in the locations I have them in. I have a plan for what to do if there is too much (that's what I'm hoping for!). I have also been planning a fall crop to put in when the other crops have been harvested mid-July. Tomorrow morning I'm going to use my "sleep-in" day to plant all the rest of my transplants. That will give me a good idea how much space I have left for planting seeds straight in.
I'm surprised by how into this I've gotten. The next thing we want to do, besides finishing our garden path!, is to buy a compost bin and start composting. Every time I put fruit and veggie remnants in the garbage I wish we were started already. I have lots of use for good compost!!

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