The picture directly above is of Patrick listening patiently while I excitedly rave about all my gardening plans and adventures. Today it was about the beautiful apple espalier tree I found (Can we plant it in a wine barrel so we can take it with us?) and the heirloom apple tree orchard I want to put in at our next place (Suuuure..That sounds great. ) Chickens, Apples...variety is good and dreaming is fun. :-)
Also pictured is the Sweet Woodruff I picked up today in honor of May Day. I have grown this before and love it because it is such a beautiful green color and easy to grow (but spreads, so I'll have to choose a good location for it.) Woodruff is used traditionally to season white wine, (Alsace) on May Day. Maybe we'll try it. Miraculously, I didn't buy anything else while I was at the nursery though was highly tempted. I have so much luscious space to plant in now BUT when the plants grow to full size, our space will seem much smaller.
I've been planting a little each day. Sunday I planted some herbs, as well as three varieties of lettuce, leeks, carrots, arugula, onions, and spinach. Eventually that bed (the fern bed) is going to be my perennial shade plant bed so I left some room to put in some hostas and other shade plants. This year is a learning year to find out what grows well where, so I'm trying a little bit of everything, and hopefully next year we'll be able to plant more for beauty as well as a good yield.
I realized yesterday that the leeks I chose have 150 days to grow until harvest. I love leeks but have only planted about half of the seeds I bought so am going to plant the rest of them today for harvest at the end of September. If they do well and we don't have an early frost, I'll be looking for a good leek soup recipe....
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